
The importance of seawater fish tank water

The importance of seawater fish tank water

Feeding marine life is the most important of the point is water. Water quality determines the quality 
of the seawater fish growth. So we know, we must raise the quality of water before breed fish. And 
why the water is so important? Let us see about it.

First of all, we need to understand a noun- Nutrients marine Salt. Nutrient salt is composed of in water 
nitrate (NO3) phosphate (PO4) organic salts composed of several substances. It comes from 
feeding food, biological manure, body, water of life itself and some content. It is damaged to the 
salt water tank by too much nutrient salt. A lot of people because of nutrients salt not well controlled.

There is an important factor to note, that you add water if they contain plenty of nutrients. If you 
added it to the tank, then the nutrient salt is higher than before. You can use the RO machine (a 
professional water purification equipment), pure water or low nutrient marine salt water. But SPS (stony 
corals) must use RO or pure water, this is very important.

In this period, we will try to use the lamp suitable cylinder, let it accelerate the absorption and growth 
of algae. In order to make rapid algal consumption nutrient, accelerate the water nourishing time. 
In the absence of any added biological conditions, the algae start whitening and yellowing about a 
month. The nutrient in the water consumption is very low. Then this water is very suitable for breeding.


where is the Aquarium salt ?

Aquarium salt "home " , containing various salts in seawater , which is about 90 percent sodium chloride , which is Aquarium salt. Also other salts containing magnesium chloride , magnesium sulfate, magnesium carbonate , and potassium, iodine , sodium, bromine , and other elements. Magnesium chloride is the main ingredient used in the brine point tofu taste is bitter, therefore , a large proportion of sea salt class drink up on salty and bitter.
If you put salt in seawater extracted tile in all the land, the land can increase the height of 153 meters ; If the water in the world's oceans evaporate dry, it will accumulate on the seabed 60 meters thick layer of salt .
The sea salt so much from where they come from? Scientists compare the seawater and river water , rain studied soil and gravel , that the sea salt is composed of rivers flowing through the land brought . When the rain falls the ground , they would bring together the lower form river flows into rivers, part of the water through the various formations penetrated the ground, and then emerge in other locations , eventually flowing into the sea. In the course of the water flowing through a variety of soil and rock , making it the decomposition of various salts , these Aquarium salt are brought into the sea with the water . After continuous evaporation of seawater , the salt concentration is getting higher , and the formation of the ocean after a few hundred thousand years , so much sea water contains salt is not surprising .
Salt can also be divided into mineral salt , sea salt and table salt .
1 , by definition is rock salt mined from rock salt to salt , rock salt , like the desert , Sichuan Sichuan salt , Poland from hundreds of meters underground mining to mine salt, rock salt because rich in minerals , especially for sensitive skin.
2, the mineral content is also very rich in salt , mineral salt and marine salt are used more than made ​​bath salts, hew to the skin , exfoliating massage can be removed , you can also increase blood circulation.
The most famous example is the Dead Sea salt , because salt is six times the normal ocean. Very rich in minerals and trace elements , can be slimming, beauty, eliminate pain and dandruff. Promote blood circulation, hair health, it sounds fantastic.
3 , as for the salt, the pH is the most stable salt explants . In addition, if the salt concentration is high enough , you can have a bactericidal effect ; when self-care products , salt to attaining the protein also has anti-inflammatory , sedative effect. It is suitable for after-sun skin care.